This course is designed to highlight the differentiating features of Microsoft® FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint®, and enable participants to implement effective search-driven applications using this add-on. The course builds on 10805A, Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010 Search for Application Developers. Topics include: product features, search architecture, FAST Web Crawler, FAST Query Language, numeric refiners, FAST Search scopes, linguistic capabilities, advanced content processing, relevancy and ranking.
Audience Profile
This course is intended for application developers and advanced system administrators working in the Enterprise Search area to extend FAST Search 2010 for SharePoint.
At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the product features, benefits, and usage.
- Identity the search architectural components of the product.
- Configure the FAST Web Crawler and describe FAST Search connector capabilities.
- Construct FAST Query Language queries.
Configure numeric refiners and FAST search scopes. - Configure linguistics features like keywords, synonyms, stemming, spell checking, and offensive content filtering.
- Implement advanced content processing.
- Implement ranking profiles and optimize search results relevancy.